

Stump supports code-based theming. This means that you can create your own themes by writing a few lines of code. This is done by creating a new, exported object that defines each required piece of the palette.

For example, the default dark theme for Stump can be found here (opens in a new tab). For brevity, the entire theme won't be shown here, but let's say we wanted to make a new theme called "midnight" that is based on the dark theme, but with a darker background:

// themes/midnight.ts
export const midnight: ThemeDefinition = {
	background: {
		100: '#000000',
		200: '#111111',
		300: '#222222',
		400: '#333333',
		500: '#444444',
		DEFAULT: '#000000',
		danger: '#491B1C',
		warning: '#412E19',
	// ... other theme definitions

Then we just need to include it in the exported themes object:

// themes/index.ts
export const themes = {
	// ... other themes
	midnight, // <- our new theme

Then we should add it to the main ThemeSelect component (opens in a new tab) so that it can be selected:

// scenes/settings/app/appearance/ThemeSelect.tsx
		{ label: t(`${localeKey}.options.light`), value: 'light' },
		{ label: t(`${localeKey}.options.dark`), value: 'dark' },
		{ label: t(`${localeKey}.options.bronze`), value: 'bronze' },
		{ label: t(`${localeKey}.options.midnight`), value: 'midnight' }, // <- our new theme
	onChange={(e) => changeTheme(}

Note that the label is a translation key, so we should add it to the locales/en.json file (opens in a new tab), as well.

Future theming features

In the future, it is planned to support arbitrary, local CSS files for overriding Stump's default theme(s). This will allow for the same level of customization but without the need for a full release cycle.