Command-line interface

The Stump server ships with a built-in CLI tool that allows you to manage your server from the command line


Every example in this guide assumes you are running the CLI tool from the same directory as the executable. You will need to adjust the path to the executable accordingly if you are running it from a different location

Basic Usage

The CLI tool is exposed via a few subcommands using the same executable as the server, itself. To see the available subcommands, run:

./stump --help

This will print the various subcommands and options available to you. To see more information about a specific subcommand, run:

./stump <subcommand> --help

Account Management

Locking a user account

To lock a user account, run:

./stump account lock --username <username>

Unlocking a user account

To unlock a user account, run:

./stump account unlock --username <username>

Resetting a user’s password

To reset a user’s password, run:

./stump account reset-password --username <username>

You will be prompted to enter a new password, with a confirmation prompt to ensure you entered it correctly. The password will be hashed and salted and stored in the database to replace the existing one.


The CLI only contains user-management commands at this time. If you have any ideas for new commands or features, please create a feature request on GitHub